Ukrainian Genealogy Research Guide for the Birth, Marriage and Death Records

Ukraine Genealogy Research Guide

How can I find genealogical records in Ukraine?

Where can I find birth, marriage and death records for my ancestors in Ukraine?

Do birth records for my family exist?

Is the town of my ancestors listed in the archival records?


Above are some of the questions frequently asked by family history researchers who try to locate their family records for the areas that used to be within Austria-Hungary and Poland and now are within Ukraine.

Finding genealogical records in Ukraine often requires significant efforts. Being dispersed among various archives of Ukraine and Poland because of the complex history of what is today Western Ukraine, these records may be hard to locate. The national borders and internal administrative boundaries of Western Ukraine frequently changed. Also, parish boundaries were sometimes different from the state administrative borders, so the records were often deposited outside of their nearest administrative centers.

We hope that the below partial index of vital records of Ukraine will help bring some clarity to your genealogical research. The index is in the Ukrainian language. If you do not read Ukrainian (Cyrillic) letters, you may search for your town or village using Polish (Latin) town names to know which records you may expect to find.

Here is the translation of the essential list numbers for the towns and villages shown in the records:

  1. Voivodeship, or administrative division.
  2. Name of town or village.
  3. Name of the religious institution, e.g. church name.
  4. List of communities of the parish.
  5. Years of birth records.
  6. Years of marriage records.
  7. Years of death records.

The below listing of records is partial and reflects only some records at the selected archives of Ukraine. An in-person contact or a telephone inquiry may be required to find out availabuiuty of specific records. Let us know if you need help in finding your family records.

Index of Vital Records at the Ukrainian Archives